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Canton - Hydraulic Single-Stage Hydraulic
The design utilizes two hydraulic single stage jacks, located on each side of the platform and installed directly on the pit floor.
Jack hole is not required. Eliminating the cost of drilling and the risk of ground contamination from oil leak.
Offered in both low and high capacity elevators.
Accommodates front and rear opening configurations.
May require a larger hoistway width to accommodate jacks mounted on either side of the platform.
Limited to approximately 16’-0” of travel.
Side openings are not an option.
Material cost is typically higher when compared to an in-ground application.
Passenger Dual Holeless Single Stage – Front Open Only

Passenger Dual Holeless Single Stage – Front & Rear Open

Additional Specs
Pit Depth = 4′-0″
Standard Cab Height = 8′-0″
Speed available to 150 FPM
Consult factory for overhead requirements
Notes for Single Stage
2000-lb. car complies with NEII recommendations for car to accommodate wheelchair.
2500-lb. and larger cars comply with NEII recommendations for car to accommodate ambulance size stretcher when equipped with single slide doors.